
AkroKids is a functional group for 7-10 -year old boys and girls who would like to learn English along with physical activities. The groups are mainly conducted in English, but no previous English language skills are necessary. The activities include a variety of games, musical exercise and acrobatics, such as somersaults, handstands, cartwheels, pyramids, balancing, floor acrobatics, as well as stretching and strength training.The language groups boost the child’s English language skills, as well as body control, nimbleness, flexibility, strength, self-esteem and social skills. Good mobility extends the range of motion of the body, giving the child a sense of accomplishment and stronger self-esteem. The groups always include physical exercises and creative activities where the child is able to invent movements in a way appropriate for each age level. The child participates without an accompanying adult. Dress in comfortable clothes and indoors shoes (or bare feet), and bring a water bottle.
Liikutaan ilosta Oy
Hanna Kiuru
p. 044-9883314